centromere plate [遗] 着丝粒板
centromere misdivision [遗] 着丝粒错分 ; 中节误裂
Centromere Ab 抗着丝点抗体 ; 人
centromere binding protein 着丝粒结合蛋白
centromere interference [遗] 着丝粒干涉 ; [遗] 着丝粒干扰 ; 中节干涉
centromere distance [遗] 着丝粒距离 ; 中节距离
centromere mapping 丝粒作图 ; 着丝粒作图 ; 丝点作图 ; 着丝点定位
centromere DNA 着丝粒DNA ; 着丝粒
The percentage distance (from the hybridization sites to centromere) was 51.79 + 1.24%. The prospect of comparative plant biology for crop improvement is discussed.2.
参考来源 - 荧光原位杂交和分子标记在水稻和小麦种质资源研究中的应用Objective To study the changes of peripheral blood chromosomal centromere aberration in patents with cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection after anti-viral treatment.
参考来源 - 巨细胞病毒感染患者治疗前后外周血染色体着丝粒点畸变率比较·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"the centromere is difficult to sequence"
同义词: kinetochore
以上来源于: WordNet
N the dense nonstaining region of a chromosome that attaches it to the spindle during mitosis 着丝粒
Centromere is the primary constriction on the chromosome, a region at which the sister chromatids are held together.
Following the replication of chromosomes resultant chromatids remain attached at the centromere.
The chromosomes were measured and analysed on the basis of their relative length and centromere index.