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"You have the second largest micro-credit demand in the world and almost no supply of micro-credit," says Casey Wilson, CEO and co-founder of Wokai.
Casey Wilson是我开网的CEO和创始人之一,他认为:“你有着世界第二大的小额放贷需求,却几乎没有小额贷款者,”。
GPU.NET has a plug-in architecture in order to support other devices, according to Jack Pappas, CEO and Co-Founder of TidePowerd, the company behind GPU.NET.
NET拥有一个插件的架构,从而支持其它设备,据开发gpu.net的公司TidePowerd的CEO和共同创始人Jack Pappas所说。
"When application performance begins to slow, the database administrator usually gets the blame," says Jesse Rothstein, CEO and co-founder of ExtraHop Networks.
“当应用程序性能开始变慢时,数据库管理员通常会被责怪,”ExtraHop Net works的ceo兼联合创始人Jesse Rothstein说。