CEO Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁 ; 首席执行总裁 ; 总经理
Executive Assistant to CEO 总裁助理 ; 董事长高级秘书
CEO-chief executive officer 首席执行官
CEO - Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官
CEO chief executive office 首席执行官
CEO cheif executive officer 首席执行官
CEO Chief Executive Officals 首席执行官
chief executive officer ceo 首席行政官星际烂仔
In its latest survey of CEO pay, The Wall Street Journal finds that "a substantial part" of executive pay is now tied to performance.
Unfortunately, that's not really saying much, since just about any CEO, executive, or entrepreneur you're likely to come across has the smarts to do the job.
Every company, board, CEO, executive team, serves its stakeholders and constituents.