耐火毯(Refractory Blanket)又称为陶瓷纤维毯(ceramic fiber blanket),系由氧化铝、氧化钙等元素,经由高温熔融制成陶瓷纤维,再依实际需求加工之耐火材料,具有低热传导率、耐震动冲击、耐高温…
...热工程以及窑炉制造中经常使用的绝热材料,强度 供应商: 上海永色断热节能材料有限公司 供应陶瓷纤维毯(Ceramic Fiber Blanket) TriCTM-FBLANKET(Ceramic Fiber Blanket) 断热毯是断热工程以及窑炉制造中经常使用的绝热材料,强度高, 供应商: 上海永色断热...
TriC Ceramic Fiber Blanket 陶瓷纤维毯 ; 供应陶瓷纤维毯
ST Ceramic Fiber Blanket 标准型硅酸纤维棉
HP Ceramic Fiber Blanket 高纯型硅酸纤维棉
HZ Ceramic Fiber Blanket 含锆型硅酸纤维棉
HA Ceramic Fiber Blanket 高铝型硅酸纤维棉
COM Ceramic Fiber Blanket 普通型硅酸纤维棉
HAZ Ceramic Fiber Blanket 锆铝型硅酸纤维棉
Ceramic fiber module is made of folded and compressed spun ceramic fiber blanket.
Huolong Ceramic Fiber Blanket have excellent capability of resisting the oil, after being dried it will repossess the thermal characteristic and the physical feature.
Vacuum Forming ceramic fiber blanket in addition to bulk ceramic fiber cotton with a fine performance, but also has good strength and flexibility, is a multi-functional products.