Certificate of deposit 存款证书 ; [金融] 存款证 ; 存款单折 ; [金融] 存单
Negotiable certificate of deposit 可转让定期存单 ; 大额可转让定期存单 ; 可转让定存单 ; 可转让存款证
floating rate certificate of deposit 浮息存款证 ; [金融] 浮动利率存单 ; 浮动利率定期存单
Tranche CD certificate of deposit 份额存单
certificate of deposit-restricted 受限制存款 ; 受限定存款
The certificate of deposit 存款证明
fixed rate certificate of deposit 定息存款证 ; 固定利率存单
time certificate of deposit 定期存单
outstanding negotiable certificate of deposit 未兑现的可转让存款证
NEGOTIABLE TIME CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 流通定期存款证书 ; 呆滞定期存款证书 ; 可转让定期存单
I'm looking for the highest rate possible on a short-term certificate of deposit account.
Don't just sock away this money under your mattress; put it in a high-interest online savings account, a certificate of deposit or a money market account.
You have to pay a penalty if you withdraw your CD (certificate of deposit) before matures.