Jocelyne Chait 人乔斯琳
Ariel Chait 人艾瑞尔 ; 查特
Jon Chait 人柴特
Chait A 张大庆
Andrea Chait 标签
Chaité 智利柴滕
The Chait Collection of Chinese Export Silver.
Nine years later, Rout, Chait and Sali are much closer to that understanding.
The good news is that there were a few skeptics, even during the height of the mania: Howard Kurtz of The Daily Beast, James Fallows of The Atlantic and Jonathan Chait of The New Republic.
好消息是, 即使在极度狂热中,依然有一些怀疑论者:每日野兽网的霍华德•库尔兹,大西洋月刊的詹姆斯•法洛斯,新共和国周刊的乔纳森•查特。