In contrast dynamically typed languages bind the type to the actual value referenced by a variable, meaning that the type of a variable can change along with the value it references.
As an example, Listing 6 shows what happens when I change the type of the local variable used for the method start time in the interceptor code from long to int.
For example, a manager could change the variable of the time frame in which to search for enough fraud warnings if too many false positives are being registered.
例如,如果登记了太多的负面事件,经理可以去更改时帧(time frame)变量,以便搜索出足够的欺诈(fraud)警告。
And remind you that inside of here, I'd better be changing the variable. All right, if that variable that's counting is not changing I'm going to be stuck in an infinite loop, so I ought to that, right, expect somewhere in there, a change of that variable. All right?