channel catfish 斑点叉尾 ; 叉尾 ; 叉尾鮰 ; 斑点叉尾鮰
Channel catfish virus 病毒 ; 斑点叉尾 ; 斑点叉尾鮰病毒 ; 与斑点叉尾鮰病毒
Channel catfish virus disease 斑点叉尾 ; 病原是斑点叉尾
Columnaris disease of channel catfish 柱形菌病
Channel Catfish Reovirus 沟鲶鱼呼肠孤病毒 ; 呼肠孤病毒
Tail-rot dis-ease of channel catfish 烂尾病
Technique of channel catfish culture 美国鱼养殖技术总结
Haemorrhagic septicemia of channel catfish 性败血症
Culture of channel catfish 斑点叉尾的养殖技术
The effect of soaking processing on the texture of instant Channel catfish skin was studied.
The effects of pretreatment technology on the gelatin extracted from Channel Catfish head were studied to find out the optimal conditions.