[ 复数 chapels ]
Chapel Hill 教堂山 ; 查伯山 ; 北卡罗莱纳大学
Sistine Chapel 西斯廷教堂 ; 西斯廷礼拜堂 ; 西斯汀礼拜堂
Duke Chapel 杜克教堂 ; 杜克大教堂 ; 也以杜克礼堂
Loretto Chapel 美国拉瑞多教堂
Chapel Royal 皇家礼拜堂
Bethlehem Chapel 伯利恒礼拜堂 ; 伯利恒教堂
Luce Memorial Chapel 路思义教堂
The Red Chapel 红色礼堂 ; 红色教堂 ; 红色唱诗班
King's College Chapel 国王学院礼拜堂 ; 国王礼拜堂 ; 礼拜堂
"he was late for chapel"
同义词: chapel service
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A chapel is a part of a church which has its own altar and which is used for private prayer. (附属于大教堂的) 小教堂
...the chapel of the Virgin Mary.
N-COUNT A chapel is a small church attached to a hospital, school, or prison. (附属于医院、学校或监狱的) 小教堂
We married in the college chapel.
N-VAR A chapel is a building used for worship by members of some Christian churches. Chapel refers to the religious services that take place there. 礼拜堂; 礼拜式
...a Methodist chapel.