... 字符编码方式(Character encoding form) 字符编码方案(Character encoding scheme ) 操作系统 密切相关。主要是解决大小字节序的问题。对于UTF-16和UTF-32 ...
character-encoding scheme 字符编码方案
Any file format in which information is encoded as characters using only a standard character encoding scheme.
The Unicode formats UCS -2 and UTF-8, the universal character encoding scheme for written characters and text is of interest to WebSphere Business Integration components.
Unicode 格式化为 UCS -2 和 UTF-8,用于字符和文本的统一字符编码计划是 WebSphere Business Integration 的组件。
In the case of a single-byte character encoding scheme, a single byte constitutes a character and the length of a single byte string is the same as the byte length of the string.