charge off 注销 ; 冲销 ; 核销 ; 出账
direct charge-off method 直接冲销法
net charge-off rate 净坏帐率 ; 坏账率 ; 信用卡坏账净撇帐比率
Net charge off 净核销额 ; 坏帐损失净值
charge-off rates 销账率
charge-off ratio 撇帐比率
power charge off 电源关断
specific charge-off method 坏帐逐项扣除法
Invalid charge off date 出帐日期无效
以上来源于: WordNet
Chase, a unit of J.P. Morgan Chase, said its annualized credit-card charge-off rate rose to 8.73% in August, up from 7.92% in July.
摩根大通旗下子公司大通(Chase Co .)表示,8月份折合成年率的信用卡冲销率升至8.73%,7月份为7.92%。
The highest reported charge-off in a single quarter was 10.97% in Q2 of 2010 - a time when unemployment rates were also historically high (between 9-10% throughout 2010).
根据报道单季最高的坏账率在2010年第二季度达到10.97%,当时失业率也达到历史最高(2010年全年都在9% - 10%之间)。
The service charge is a rip-off, but I'm willing to pay if I'm guaranteed a seat.