简介chariot月球车是NASA的月球车,2007年12月份经过测试。NASA花了7个月的时间研制,这个庞然大物比一般月球车大,可以载7到8人。是NASA重返月球计划的月球车测试品。 资料(下面内容是NASA提供的该月球车资料数据。) In preparation for the US led effort to build a lunar outpost, NASA has completed the first lunar truck prototype, named Chariot. Realizing the importance of crew and payload mobility on the lunar surface, the Exploration Technology Development Program's Human-Robotics Systems Project set out, in Apollo-like style, to build a lunar truck and the team that could shepherd future lunar truck efforts. With only one year to design, manufacture, and assemble Chariot, NASA, teamed with companies from all across America, conquered the challenge.