Charmless oik 不讨人喜欢的乡巴佬
Charmless Man 一无是处的男人
Blur-Charmless Man 没吸引力的人
Blur - Charmless Man 模糊乐队
two-body charmless hadronic decay 两体非粲强子衰变过程
two-body nonleptonic charmless B decays B介子两体非轻无粲衰变
ADJ If you say that something or someone is charmless, you mean that they are unattractive or uninteresting. 无吸引力的 [书面]
...flat, charmless countryside.
He has been described as a 'charmless bore'—not by me, I hasten to add.
Outside, charmless apartment blocks and dirty factories are giving way to fields thick with fog.
But sometime after I left, the town became a maze of charmless Indian strip malls and housing developments.