cheese eyes 干酪孔眼
cheese withour eyes 无孔干酪
split cheese with eyes 开裂并有孔的干酪
split cheese without round eyes 无圆孔的开裂干酪
The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: "You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny.
In America, the animalistic automatons at Chuck E. Cheese entertain (and sometimes terrify) children with their inelegant, slack-jawed singing, spastic motions, and soulless, lifeless eyes.
在美国的Chuck E .奶酪公司的类动物机器人用它们呆板而松弛的下巴歌唱、痉挛一般的动作和毫无生气的眼神取悦(有时会吓到)孩子们。
The visitor smiled, put the cheese in his mouth and said: "you must have better eyes than your mother, sonny."