化学需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand COD):是指 水样在规定条件下用氧化剂处理时,其溶解性或悬浮性物质 消耗氧化剂的量。衡量水中有机物多少的指标。
chemical oxygen demand cod removal 化学需氧量去除
COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量 ; 化学耗氧量 ; 化学的氧要求量
COD-chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量
COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量
A method based on all band ultraviolet scanning for measuring water chemical oxygen demand (COD) was introduced, and the method was applied to develop an on-line COD measuring instrument.
To rapidly determine the pollution extent of wastewater, the potential of near infrared(NIR) spectroscopy for measurement of chemical oxygen demand(COD) in wastewater was investigated.
A method for the rapid and accurate determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) using potassiumdichromate as oxidant under new conditions is described in this paper.