... Colour fastness颜色稳定性 Chemical products resistance抗化学性 Speical maintenance treatment特殊维护处理 ...
When spodumene was added in the products, the cause for reducing firing temperature, enhancing mechanical strength and heat-shock resistance, possessing good chemical stability was clarified.
Have good mechanical strength, weather resistance and fire resistance, can be used in structural materials alone, be used in the manufacture of chemical piping, sheet metal and plastic products.
The results of study show that: if the rolling chemical pretreatment solution C50 is used, the products with both high corrosion resistance and good bonding can be obtained.
实验结果表明:采用辊涂法预处理液c 50可获得耐蚀性、涂装性及加工性均优的合金化热镀锌有机涂层钢板。