... 人生 NEW 起来- 52 周生活更新计划 Life Makeovers 到目录 一周一小步,重新找回自己的生活 雪柔˙理查森( Cheryl Richardson )是一 ..
——谢丽尔·理查森(Cheryl Richardson) 《轻轻松松如意生活》(Take Time for Your Life)作者 内容概要 作者:(美)苏珊·贝茨苏珊·贝茨(Suzanne Bates),美国著名沟通...
... 让生命焕然一新:52个简单方法帮你打造思考、行动、爱人、工作、甚至欢笑的全新方式 (美)谢里尔·理查森(Cheryl Richardson)著;朱珊慧译;朱珊慧译 / 机械工业出版社 / 2004-01-01 本书有52个简单方法,帮你打造思考、行动、爱人、工作,甚至欢笑的全新方...
But activities that some schools offer now, like rock climbing walls and skateboarding, can also expand the risks, says Cheryl Richardson.
Cheryl Richardson表示,现在一些学校教的体育活动,像岩石作业和溜冰,也能增加运动的危险性。
But activities that some schools offer now, like rock climbing walls and skateboarding, can also expand the risks, says Cheryl Richardson.
VOA: special.2009.08.06
Cheryl Richardson also points to one of the study's findings that injuries are often the result of contact with a person or a structure.
VOA: special.2009.08.06