...奇亚籽(chia seeds)是鼠尾草的种籽,起源于墨西哥南部和瓜地马拉,早在西元前3500年就已有人们食用的纪录,还曾经是阿兹特克人和玛雅人的主食,传说...
...Easy AdSense by Unreal 【奇雅子戚风蛋糕】 by 毛毛妈 自从一位朋友向我介绍了神奇的健康食品: 奇雅子(Chia seeds) ),我们家晚上的杂粮粥也会放上些,因它营养丰富,富含52种营养元素,蛋白质、钙、铁、omega-3、纤维,以及十余种抗氧化物。
coconut Extraction with chia seeds 萃取椰浆配奇亚籽
Chia Seeds Jelly 奇异籽果冻
Potato Loaf with Chia Seeds 马铃薯奇异籽面包
Natural Seeds chia 野鼠尾草籽
Leafy greens, organic yogurt and kefir, almond milk, almonds, chia seeds, and broccoli are all excellent sources of calcium.
I used to worry about not eating grains, or soy, or processed foods, or fruits, or chemicals.Should I eat quinoa or steel-cut oats or amaranth or chia seeds or bulgur wheat or buckwheat?
I used to worry about not eating grains, or soy, or processed foods, or fruits, or chemicals. Should I eat quinoa or steel-cut oats or amaranth or chia seeds or bulgur wheat or buckwheat?