chief of staff 参谋长 ; 办公室主任 ; 主任
Army Chief of Staff 陆军参谋长 ; 参谋总长 ; 陆军总参谋长
Air Force chief of staff 空军参谋长
Vice Chief of Staff 副参谋长 ; 副总参谋长
Assistant vice chief of staff 助理副参谋长
assistant chief of staff 助理参谋长
Chief of Staff and Operations 行动计划参谋长
The sultan was still nominally the chief of staff.
In my role as the Chief of Staff, that role often is a referee.
His two top campaign aides, Terry Nelson and John Weaver, resigned abruptly; his chief of staff, Mark Salter, removed himself to the sidelines.
他的两个最高参选助手,特里纳尔逊以及约翰威弗尔突然辞职; 最高参谋马克绍特退居二线;