China mobile Ltd., the world's largest mobile carrier by users, USES [gm99nd] 's Chinese mobile search service on its handset browsers.
世界用户量最大的移动电话运营商中国移动在其手机浏览器上使用了[gm 66nd]的中文移动搜索服务。
Network provider China Mobile Ltd., meanwhile, is among the world's 10 biggest companies by market capitalization, with more than 508 million consumers.
China Mobile Ltd., the country's largest carrier by subscribers, plans to start selling smart phones with similar functions to the iPhone this year based on [gm99nd] Inc. 's Android operating system.
中国移动计划今年开始销售与iPhone有类似功能的智能手机,手机使用的是[gm 66nd] ([gm 99nd])的Android操作系统。