速成中文 ( chinese crash course ),北京语言大学出版社, 3CDROMs(MP3)+5CDs+3BOOKs 本教材由汉语教学专家编写,内容丰富有趣,语言实用时尚,同时配有多媒体软件...
crash chinese course 汉语速成班
Back to Harvard he went, hoping for a crash course from the great scholars of modern Chinese history, J.
Jen Pan, a Chinese-language teacher dressed in black pants with floral designs at the cuffs, then ran the group through a crash course on Chinese culture.
随后,Jen Pan给这些人上了一堂有关中国文化的速成课。她穿着一条裤边带有花纹的黑色长裤。