1935年初,《禹贡》半月刊开始以“中国历史地理”( Chinese Historical Geography)作为刊物的名称,这说明禹贡学会的学者们已经受到现代地理学的影响,产生了将传统的沿革地理向现代的历史地理学转化的愿望。
The Chinese Historical Geography 中国历史地理
journal of chinese historical geography 中国历史地理论丛 ; 项羽所立西魏国封域考辨 ; 汉书·地理志 ; 杨炯卒所
Chinese Urban Historical Geography 中国历史城市地理学
The past five years saw a steady progress in almost all fields of researches of Chinese historical geography.
Building teacher troop of Chinese tourism geography with both model type personality and diathesis and integration type function has become epoch mission and historical necessity.
Sightseeing notes is not only a travel notes recording Chinese geography, history and social custom, but is the precious historical material for Chinese scholars' views research.