二、 实验原理 黄酒(Chinese Rice Wine):是米、黍米、玉米、小米、小麦等为主要原料,经蒸煮、加曲、糖化、 发酵、压榨、过滤、煎酒、贮存、勾兑而成的酿造酒。
Culinary Chinese rice wine 烹饪黄酒
Qingshuang type Chinese rice wine 清爽型黄酒
chinese rice wine mash 黄酒发酵醪
Chinese rice wine series 中国黄酒系列
The paper compared the Chinese rice wine and Japanese sake in material, technology of fermentation, post treatment, content of amino acids, physical and chemical indexes, and so on.
The new technology of nutritive fermented wine overcame the deficiencies of yellow wine on the technology and flavor, which had the special flavor of Japanese sake and Chinese rice wine.
Often beer, yellow rice wine and strong white liquor are served at a Chinese banquet.