B 中文名: 中国传统动画 英文名: chinese traditional animation 发行时间: 1950年 地区: 大陆 语言: 普通话 简介: 女娲补天1985 牧笛 鹿铃(1) 老鼠嫁女 九色鹿 金猴降妖 假如我是武
Chen Zhelun, 25, a Malaysian-Chinese majoring in animation, founded the diabolo club, which aims to restore the popularity of this traditional Chinese game.
In modern society, animation, especially the two-dimensional animation as a unique art form, can be a good performance and carry forward the Chinese traditional culture and the arts.
The long-standing traditional culture enriches Chinese people's emotions. Thereby, exploring the pattern of Chinese traditional culture is vital to the expression of emotions of animation art.