...) 百合(Lily of the Valley) 禾本科 Gramineae 俗称:草科 Grass Family 玉米(Corn) 黑麦(Rye) 茭白(Chinese Wild Rice) 小麦(Wheat) 燕麦(Oat) 甘蔗(Sugar cane) 水稻(Rice) 其它 Miscellaneous 其它: 荞麦(Buckwheat),蓼科 马齿苋(Pur...
chinese common wild rice 中国普通野生稻
Objective To study the effect of Chinese wild rice diet on lipid metabolism in rats.
From 1993-98, a total of 2,722 samples of IRRI cultivated rice and 636 samples of wild rice were distributed to Chinese scientists.
Patrolling the mouth of the Yangzi in 1997, where swamps had been turned into urban sprawl or rice fields, he counted only 120 Chinese alligators still in the wild.