古希腊人的基本服饰是基同(Chiton),由于民族不同而分为多 利安式(Dorio)基同和爱奥尼亚式(Ioric)基同,这两种服装的结构相当简单,都是由长 方形的布构成,通...
DORIC CHITON 多立安旗同 ; 多利安式希顿 ; 多利安式
Lined Chiton 排石鳖
Ionic Chiton 式希顿 ; 爱奥尼亚式
Ioric chiton 爱奥尼亚旗同
Doirc Chiton 多利亚式希顿
Lonic Chiton 爱奥尼亚式希顿
pas chiton 史记·帕斯切顿传
Chiton komaianus 美石鳖
chiton amphimaschalos 另外还有男子常服
以上来源于: WordNet
N (in ancient Greece and Rome) a loose woollen tunic worn knee length by men and full length by women (在古希腊和古罗马)希顿古装; 宽松羊毛束腰外衣,男性穿的长达膝盖,女性穿的到达足跟处
When left alone, a chiton will lift part of its oval-shaped body to breathe.
You are in the same seat, only you are watching classical Greek entertainment and wearing a simple chiton, or tunic.
For instance, it's still not known why only some chiton species have eyes, or how the creatures are able to use the same material to make both their eyes and their shells.