... choice device ==> 选択値入力装置 choice goods ==> 精选货品 choice of dam type ==> 坝型选择 ...
... 上等棉 cla y cotton; classy cotton 上等品 choice goods; choice grade; dandy; fine quality 上等人 the high class person ...
Capital Choice Goods House 京都精品屋
Women's Choice Goods Purchasing Department 女士精品采购部
free choice of goods 选购商品
The choice of consumer goods available in local shops is small.
As Sheena Iyengar pointed out in her book The Choice of Art, there were 500,000 different consumer goods sold in the United States in 1994.
正如 Sheena Iyengar 在她著作《艺术的选择》中指出的,1994年美国共有五十万种不同的消费品在出售。
Consumers worldwide will, therefore, continue to benefit from China's ability to offer a wide choice of goods at bargain prices.