... 关键词】 p75神经营养蛋白受体; 霍乱毒素B; 再生;基因敲除 [gap=1870]Key words] p75 neurotrophin receptor; cholera toxin B;regeneration; knockout ...
第二部分 ctB与ureI双基因融合的原核表达、蛋白纯化和免疫特性分析 克隆了霍乱弧菌B亚单位基因(Cholera Toxin B,ctB),并引入ureI基因的5’端,构建原核重组质粒pET32a(+)-ctB/ureI和其原核表达工程菌...
cholera toxin B subunit 亚单位 ; 霍乱毒素B亚单位 ; 霍乱毒素b亚基
cholera toxin b subunit ctb 霍乱毒素b亚基
cholera toxin B subunit-peroxidase 霍乱毒素B
cholera toxin b ctb 霍乱毒素b
CTB cholera toxin b 霍乱毒素b
Cholera toxin B suhunit 霍乱毒素B亚单位
cholera toxin b subunit gene 霍乱毒素b亚单位基因
recombinant cholera toxin b subunit 霍乱毒素b亚单位
cholera toxin subunit B 霍乱毒素b亚单位 ; 亚单位
With cholera, the immune response is induced by what is known as the cholera toxin B-subunit.
Cholera toxin B can enhance the activation of dendritic cells mature, its immune function from the positive regulatory role.