选择密文攻击(chosen-ciphertext attack)和选择明文攻击是相似的,除非伊夫选择一些密文解密后组成密文/明文对。如果伊夫访问了鲍勃的计算机,这种攻击就会发生。
Chosen-ciphertext attack 选择密文攻击
Ciphertext-only attack 唯密文攻击 ; 密文攻击 ; 密文攻击法 ; 纯密文攻击
Chosen ciphertext attack 选择密文攻击
decipherable ciphertext attack 可解密密文攻击
Chosen-Ciphertext Attack 2 选择密文安全
adaptive chosen ciphertext attack 自主选择消息攻击
adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack 自适应选择密文攻击
ciphertext block attack [通信] 密码电文分组破译
Its (security) is based on the intractability of the integer factorization problem as RSA, and it is able to resist the chosen-ciphertext attack against RSA and easy to be implemented.
Because the sensitive data is encrypted, any direct attack on the database file analysis, can only see the ciphertext.
Under the assumption that the random high-density knapsack problem is infeasible, the proposed schemes are provably secure against ciphertext-only attack.