文章详细信息 关键词: 振动;圆柱体;弹性动力学 [gap=438]Keywords: Vibration, Circular cylinder, Elastodynamics
...一个零件下面是一个菱长为40cm的正方体上面是圆柱的一半,这个零件嘚表面积是11768(平方厘米)。 圆柱(circular cylinder)是甴以矩形的一条边所在直线为旋转轴,其余三边绕该旋转轴旋转一周洏形成的几何体。
... circular breathing 循环换气 circular cylinder 圆筒; 圆筒 circular definition 循环定义; 循环定义 ...
Right circular cylinder [数] 直圆柱体 ; [数] 直立圆柱 ; 直圆柱 ; 正圆柱形体
oblique circular cylinder [数] 斜圆柱 ; 斜円柱
hollow circular cylinder 中空圆柱 ; 空心圆柱
circular cylinder function [数] 圆柱函数
circular cylinder coordinates 圆柱坐标
flow around circular cylinder 圆柱绕流
Office circular cylinder 包办公室圆柱
Right t circular cylinder 直圆柱体 ; 直立圆柱
Based on all of the work above, this paper studied circular cylinder by the method of large eddy simulation.
参考来源 - 基于并行计算的大涡模拟方法及其工程应用基础研究At first, to validate the numerical model, the two-dimensional numerical simulation of Vortex-Induced Vibration of a circular cylinder at low Reynolds numbers were carried out and the calculation results were compared with measured data of other researchers'.
参考来源 - 水动力引起的海底管道振动的数值研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
We discuss a potential flow about a hollow circular cylinder of porous media in this paper.
For airflow around a circular cylinder, the pressure distribution is studied numerically, and the response of the pressure sensor is foretold.
Based on the principle of wave, the simulation of wave generator and wave or wave-current forces on circular cylinder is presented by using CFX.