Citations per Faculty 单位教职的论文引用数 ; 引用率 ; 单位教职的引用率 ; 师均论文引用数
reference citations 文献引用 ; 及文章中之文献引用
Citations per Paper 篇均被引次数 ; 次数
high citations 高引用次数
total citations 总被引频次 ; 总体被引用次数
Citations Per Papers 平均被引次数 ; 平均被引用的次数 ; 被引次數
Export citations 汇出引文 ; 导出引文
shepard's citations 关于谢巴德援引法 ; 名的谢巴德援引法
Objective: To study the characteristics of citations in Chinese Journal of Stomatology.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: commendation
"the student's essay failed to list several important citations"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A citation is an official document or speech which praises a person for something brave or special that they have done. 嘉奖; 奖状
His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.
N-COUNT A citation from a book or other piece of writing is a passage or phrase from it. 引文 [正式]
...a 50-minute manifesto with citations from the Koran.
N-COUNT A citation is the same as a . 传票 [美国英语]
The court could issue a citation and fine Ms. Robbins.
N-COUNT A citation is an official piece of paper which orders you to pay a fine or to appear in court because you have committed a traffic offence. 交通违规传票; 交通罚单 [美国英语]
The Highway Patrol this year issued 1,018 speeding citations.
There were no footnotes or citations.
Do you have a copy of the department's document on the correct format for index, citations and references?
Although some say that citations for software or data have little currency in academia, they can have other benefits.
Now, one of the earliest -- and I think this is a remarkable fact - one of the earliest citations of Paradise Lost that actually appears in print in the seventeenth century comes from the proto-feminist writer Lady Mary Chudleigh.