...素(isobetanidin),甜菜式(betanin),异甜菜甙(isobetanin),草酸(oxalic acid),苹果酸(malic acid),柠檬酸(citric acid),谷氨酸(glutamic acid),天冬氨酸(aspartic acid),丙氨酸(alanine)以及葡萄糖(glucose),果糖(fructose),蔗...
果肉含胡芦巴咸(trigonelline),枸橼酸(citric acid),琥珀酸(succinic acid ),苹果酸(malic acid),蔗糖(sucrose),葡萄糖(glucose);棕榈酸(palmitic acid),油酸,甾醇。
citric acid [有化] 柠檬酸 ; 枸橼酸 ; 无水柠檬酸 ; 防腐剂及平衡酸碱度
citric acid cycle 三羧酸循环 ; 柠檬酸轮回 ; 宁檬酸轮回
Citric acid monohydrate 一水柠檬酸 ; 柠檬酸 ; 枸橼酸 ; 一水合柠檬酸
CITRIC ACID MONO 一水柠檬酸 ; 柠檬酸
citric acid anhydrous bp 无水柠檬酸 ; 柠檬酸
anhydrous citric acid 无水柠檬酸 ; 无水枸橼酸
No citric acids 没有柠檬酸
Citric Oil 柠檬油 ; 宁檬油 ; 润肤
Citric Alcohol 柠檬醇 ; 宁檬醇
Methods The color protection test was conducted with citric acid, vitamin C and CaCl2 as color retention agents.
参考来源 - 山药罐头加工中护色条件的研究—《食品与药品·A版》—2007年第10期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
ADJ of or derived from citrus fruits or citric acid 柠檬的; 柠檬酸的
Citric acid can be extracted from the juice of oranges, lemons, limes or grapefruit.
The fun is all about expression people make as all that citric acid hits their taste buds.
A detergent for cleaning iron monosulfide was formulated with surfactant, diamino-propadiene, citric and EDTA, and its cleaning mechanism was discussed.
报道了一种以表面活性剂、丙二烯二胺和柠檬酸、EDTA 为主要组分的硫化亚铁清洗剂配方和其在炼油装置应用的情况。
And they wanted to use a soluble salt of citric acid, so they could have used sodium, they could have used potassium.