city public transportation system
... 航班 shuttle/ commuter flights 城市公共交通 city public transportation system 市内巴士车服务设施 city bus service ...
city public transportation system
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The co-operation of both of them plays a vital place in the city public transportation system.
In view of the whole city public transportation system, party-line operation of the Rail Rapid Transit system and the Bus Transit system is not only a competition but also a co-operation.
While the city's public transportation system is renowned, Helsinki's extensive bicycle trails make riding around the city and its seaside parks a breeze.
Without a comprehensive public transportation system to overcome the greater city's distances, the middle class has become mostly car-bound and wary of the city's reputation for violent crime.
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In a deal structured by the city and the MTA, the financially strapped agency that runs New York's public transportation system and is selling its surplus properties to meet its growing deficits, the Jets would have bought the abandoned Hudson Rail Yards on Manhattan's far West Side for a new football stadium.
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