原创:民事审判检察监督方式的完善 - 教育论文发表 - xzbu.com 中国论文网 关键词: 检察监督;监督方式;民事审判 [gap=9936]Key words:procurator supervision; supervisory mode; civil trial
civil trial act 民事审判行为
civil trial style 民事审判方式
civil trial grade 民事审级
civil trial power 民事审判权
civil trial styles 民事审判方式
civil trial system 民事审判制度
foreign civil trial 涉外民事审判
civil trial patterns 民事审判方式
Part four: the perfection of our country's civil trial model.
The civil trial by default is an important institution in civil procedure law.
Part three: The content and defects of our institution of civil trial by default.
Attorney General Eric Holder announced last year that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four more September 11 suspects would face civil trial instead of a military tribunal, and they would tried in Manhattan federal court.
VOA: standard.2010.01.30
Charles Taylor is on trial for his alleged role in Sierra Leone's decade long civil war.
VOA: standard.2010.08.09