“未决申索”(claims outstanding) 的涵义与附表3第1(1)段中该词的涵义相同; “未过期风险的额外款额”(additional amount for unexpired risks) 的涵义与附表3第...
outstanding claims 未决赔款 ; 未决索赔 ; [金融] 货币索取权 ; [会计] 未解决的赔款
outstanding claims advance 未决索赔通知 ; 预先提存未决赔款 ; 预先提存未决索赔
Outstanding Claims Reserve 未决赔款准备金 ; 未决索赔准备金
outstanding claims and liabilities 未了债务
number of outstanding claims 未决赔付件数
Outstanding Claims Provision 未决申索准备金
outstanding claims accounts 未决赔款账项
When everyone claims to be a goal-oriented achiever and an outstanding leader, there is no way of sorting out the sheep from the goats.
Wurth's rights include, but are not limited to, the right to refuse payment, provided wurth still has outstanding claims against the supplier resulting from incomplete or defective goods or services.