In chapter two, we establish a kind of new class age-structure SEIR epidemic model with impulsive vaccination and nonlinear infectivity, which contains ODEs and PDEs at the same time.
第二章,建立了一类新的带有脉冲接种的类年龄结构SEIR流行病模型,并考虑其具有非线性传染率。 该模型既含有常微分方程,又含有偏微分方程。
参考来源 - 传染病模型和脉冲微分系统的动力学研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The result shows that the Tree class structure replacing the age structure is suitable for studying the structure and dynamics of Castanopsis fargesii population.
But stand volume descents to a great extent, age class and stand density structure are maladjusted badly, and the number of stand growth is low.