... to be given to get one's marching orders 被开除 clear-the-air 消除误会 inhumane 不人性 ...
Clear the Air 消除误会 ; 争气 ; 清除误会
lets clear the air 让我们清理下天上吧
Lark In The Clear Air 晴空的云雀 ; 天籁般的声音 ; 卡拉·迪伦 ; 百灵鸟在明确空气
to clear the air 想出对策消弭误会或困难
Let's clear the air 让我们清理蓝天吧
clear the air detail 清除隔阂
Chance to clear the air 有机会令气氛变好
Who would clear the air 她会改善一切
the air is clear 空气是明确的 ; 空气是清新
So pollution restrictions that reduce ozone levels, especially in the rapidly growing polluted cities of Asia, could both clear the air and slow warming.
In Beijing, there also are plans to curb the use of autos and halt construction before the Games to clear the air.
Artificial lights block formation of molecules that bond with air pollutants to clear the air.