公布 中文名称:透明冰 英文名称:clear ice 定义:制冰过程中去除水中杂质后制成的质量较高的冰。 应用学科: 水产学(一级学科);水产品保鲜及加工(二级学科) 又称水晶冰块、明冰,透明冰块可用于布
It also USES ice-breaking boats to clear ice from rivers or lakes, so boats can travel safely.
When used, the brush head is in fit with the prior electric equipment, can wash rust and other stains on the surface of an object, and can also clear ice on the ground.
本发明使用时与现有的电动设备配 装,可清洗物体表面的锈迹等污渍,还可清理地面上的结冰。
The properties of this clear sea ice were very similar to the ice from the green iceberg.