2008年9月,美国芝加哥市出台了绿色城市计划《芝加哥气候行动计划》(Climate Action Plan),提出了一个雄心勃勃的碳减排目标,即C02排放量在1990年的基础上,到2020年削减25%.2050年削减80%。
national climate action plan 国家气候行动计划
Strategic Climate Action Plan 战略气候行动计划
President's Climate Action Plan 气候行动计划
Climate Change Action Plan 气候变化行动计划 ; 对抗气候变化行动计划 ; 气候变迁行动计画
London Climate Change Action Plan 伦敦气候变化行动计划
以上来源于: WordNet
Like a growing number of cities, Paris has drafted a climate action plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
A summit on "the State of the Planet" hosted by Columbia University examined the link between poverty and climate change, and called for a new, global plan of action to deal with the two issues.
So the rhetoric, like the temperature, is heating up here. But polls shows many Parisians support the city's climate plan, they agree the time for action is now.
温度,一直在上升。但民意调查显示许多巴黎人支持城市的气候计划,他们同意现在是采取行动的时候了。 。