双向通风窗的地区适应性研究_暖通空调在线 关键词:双向通风窗,换热,节能,气候区, [gap=514]Keywords:dual-airflow window,heat exchante,energy conservation,climatic zone,
soil climatic zone 土壤气候带
temperate climatic zone 热带地区 ; 温带气候带
vertical climatic zone 垂直气候带
the climatic zone 气候分片
climatic zone drift 气候带漂变
antarctic climatic zone 南极气候带
以上来源于: WordNet
N any of the eight principal zones, roughly demarcated by lines of latitude, into which the earth can be divided on the basis of climate 气候带
So, air-to-air energy recovery system should be chosen according to characteristics in different climatic zone.
The vast movements of the earth’s curst created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zone.
地壳的剧烈运动使澳大利亚成了幅员辽阔、与大陆分离、地处温、热带地区 的国家。
The vast movements of the earth's curst created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zone.