... 在树上 on the tree 爬上梯子 climb up the ladder 做蛋糕 make cakes ...
爬得很高, 飞黄腾达, 官运亨通 climb up the ladder; go up the ladder 跳得很高像在空中飞 talk to god .
To climb up the ladder 扶摇直上
Climb the ladder up 爬梯子上去
climb up the career ladder 爬上事业的阶梯
Climb up the social ladder 攀上社会阶梯
To climb up the ladder is easy.
You have to climb up the ladder to reach the roof.
The woman in the helicopter told Jim to climb up the ladder and get in.
The history of business like everything else has been a painstaking climb up the ladder of human needs.
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If they lose themselves in the long climb up the ladder and the ruthless shattering of glass ceilings, forsaking their families in the pursuit of position and status, they will have to deal with the fallout of that too.
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To his great surprise, he loved the job and, after a break to travel the world, began his steady climb up the corporate ladder.
BBC: Can you still go from burger flipper to president?