BLUE-CLK-EN Bluetooth Clock Enable 蓝牙时钟使能
SYSCLKENA System Clock Enable 系统时钟使能
Clock enable bit 时钟使能位
External high-speed clock enable 外部高速时钟使能
BLUE-CLK-ENB Bluetooth Clock Enable 蓝牙时钟使能
EN Bluetooth Clock Enable 蓝牙时钟使能
ENB Bluetooth Clock Enable 蓝牙时钟使能
SDCKE-O Serial Data Clock Enable 串行数据时钟使能信号
CLCD-EN Clock Data Enable 时钟数据使能
The only way to enable the user to authenticate to that account is for the administrator to reset this user's password (which resets the 90-day clock).
要想重新启用这个用户帐户,惟一的方法是由管理员重新设置这个用户的密码(这会重设 90 天过期日期)。
Suppose that Enable is high, the counter counts up every clock cycle, and the frequency of the PWM output is the clock frequency divided by 2 count bits.
Better controlling and using of circadian clock can help us to arrange and adjust our training plan in advance, enable our physical function and sports power best perform at a special time.