Close To You 靠近你 ; 天天 ; 千纸鹤 ; 接近你
close to 靠近 ; 接近 ; 在附近
get close to 接近 ; 靠近 ; 凑近 ; 紧贴
Close to Eden 蒙古精神 ; 终极女郎
be close to 接近 ; 靠近 ; 亲近 ; 临近
So Close to Paradise 扁担·姑娘 ; 扁担姑娘 ; 扁担
close to home 离家近 ; 社区女护法
come close to 走近 ; 靠近 ; 趋向 ; 接近
i'm close to tears 我几乎流泪 ; 我几乎要流泪 ; 眼泪快要掉下来 ; 我的泪水就要流下来
Close To Leo 舍不得哥哥 ; 靠近利奥
She is very close to her father.
We are close to signing the agreement.
Again we have the charge of the nucleus on plus 2, +2 but let's say this time the electron now is going to be very, very close to the nucleus.
I can't give it what it wants," know that when you're writing code and the problems that will remind of this, if you absolutely have to kill your program, you don't have to close the window, CTRL+C reboot crazy stuff like that, generally you can hit CTRL+C and it will just abort the program right where it is, in case you ever get trapped in some awkward situation.