同义词: dwarf mulberry bakeapple baked-apple berry salmonberry Rubus chamaemorus
以上来源于: WordNet
N a creeping Eurasian herbaceous rosaceous plant, Rubus chamaemorus, with white flowers and orange berry-like fruits (drupelets) 野生的黄莓; 产于欧亚的像蔷薇的草本爬行植物,长有白色的花和橙色的浆果状果子
Halle Berry floats ethereally above a pale pink cloud of fluffiness.
Muwamba put a bottle of purple star dust and a large bottle of green tornado berry juice on the table and disappeared in another flash of light and a pink cloud of smoke.
Muwamba巫医放了一瓶紫色的星辰和一大瓶绿色旋风浆果汁在桌子上,然后一道闪光,Muwamba巫医消失在一片粉红色的烟雾中。Another long day passed in the cloudy forest。漫长的一天又过去了。