cloud enabling technologies
...护;" 无论何时何地,使信息便于寻找和使用;新的Hitachi Content Platform(HCP)和云应用技术 (Cloud Enabling Technologies)日立数据系统同类最佳的Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V和屡获殊荣的Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage系统提供了单个虚拟...
cloud enabling technologies
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The PaaS framework, in particular, was introduced, and you learned about the requirements, architecture patterns, and implementation technologies for enabling cloud computing into industry solutions.
Cutting through the hype of cloud vendors starts by evaluating how ready their Cloud Services, enabling technologies and Professional Services are to serve customers today.
FORBES: Demystifying Cloud Vendors
The cloud vendor landscape is defined by Cloud Services, Professional Services for Consumption, Enabling Technologies and Professional Services for building and running applications.
FORBES: Demystifying Cloud Vendors