...算法;协同刺激 [gap=945] applications; zombie networks; artificial immune; negative selection algorithm; co-stimulatory ...
2013年11月入职新乡医学院医学检验学院,以小鼠细胞系及活体动物为模型,通过基因打靶技术,研究T细胞共刺激(co-stimulatory)信号。张黎琛博士曾在《Molecular Microbiology》,《Research In Microbiology》发表第一作者文章。
co stimulatory 共刺激
co-stimulatory model 协同刺激模式
co-stimulatory molecules 共刺激分子
Co-stimulatory moleculesB7 协同刺激分子B
co-stimulatory signal receptor 共刺激信号分子受体
CD80 is one of the co-stimulatory molecules binding CD28, which binds CD28 on the surface of t cells to provide second signal for efficient activation of t cells.
而CD 80是能够与CD 28分子结合的共刺激分子之一,它与T细胞表面CD 28分子的结合为T细胞有效活化提供第二信号。
The results show that the four co-stimulatory molecules anticipate the egg granuloma formation. Especially the effect of B7-2 and CD40 molecules are more significant.
实验结果显示,4种协同刺激分子均参与虫卵肉芽肿的形成,尤其是B7 - 2和CD 40分子的作用更为显著。
No statistically significant difference in the expression levels of co-stimulatory molecules on dendritic cells surface between the groups immunized with DNA vaccine alone or with TLRs.