Co-authoring 共同创作 ; 异步共笔
Co-Authoring Tools 同工编辑工具
real time co-authoring 实时共同创作
multimedia co-authoring 多媒体合着
Multhedia Co-Authoring system 多媒体合着
multimedia co-authoring system 多媒体合着平台
Co-authoring and argumentation System 协同写作和讨论系统
同义词: coauthor joint author
同义词: co-author
以上来源于: WordNet
What's not clear, however, is how exactly co-authoring works.
The discovery led to her co-authoring a paper published earlier this month in Biology Letters, and earning her the esteemed title of citizen scientist.
这次发现使她与人合著了篇论文,并于本月早些时候发表在了《生物学快报》杂志上。 同时这项发现也为她赢得了“民间科学家”这一深受尊敬的称号。
Microsoft is bringing similar functionality and calling it co-authoring.
MicroSoft也将提供类似的功能,称为合作编辑(co - authoring)。