... cogeneration power station热电联供电站 coal fired power plant燃煤电站 oil fired power plant燃油电站 ...
说说代沟(The Generation Gap) ... 出国留学(Studying Abroad) 我的计划的暑假(My Plan for Summe.. 燃煤发电厂(Coal-fired power plan.. ...
coal-fired power plant 燃煤电厂 ; 火力发电厂 ; 燃煤发电厂 ; 火电行业
coal-fired power plant unit 火电机组热
coastal coal-fired power plant 海滨电站
coal-fired power plant boilers 燃煤电厂锅炉
offshore coal fired power plant 近海燃煤电站
offshore coal-fired power plant 近海燃煤电站
Conventional coal-fired power plant 火力发电厂
demonstration coal-fired power plant 燃煤示范电厂
load of coal-fired power plant 火电站机组负荷
The project installed brand new equipment on a large coal-fired power plant to capture 120,000 tons of CO2 each year.Dr.
In the distance a coal-fired power plant helps make the city one of the world's most polluted.
Anesthetic gasses contribute as much to global warming each year as a million passenger cars or one coal-fired power plant.