Tailings discard at coarse separation 粗选抛尾
coarse slime separation 粗煤泥分选
coarse magnetic separation 粗粒磁选
coarse and fine separation 粗细分选
coarse particle magnetic separation 粗粒磁选
separation of coarse slime 粗煤泥分选
separation of coarse wolfram 粗粒黑钨矿分选应用
Some problems often raise in design of separation chamber for coarse granules are discussed and solutions have been given. Also attentions to select the design parameters are indicated.
Based on the processing flow of Dashihe separation mill, using spiral sluice, the possibility of obtaining final concentrate under coarse primary grinding is searched for.
Through the analyse on the current situation separation process of coarse slime, a new floatation technology about coarse slime separation after rod milling was presented.