double coast line 双海岸线
Thomson-East Coast Line 汤申 ; 东海岸地铁线
coast line error 海岸效应
coast line effect 海岸线效应
East Coast Line 东岸盘口
digital coast line generater 数字海岸发生器
Gold Coast Line 黄金海岸线
N-VAR A country's coastline is the outline of its coast. 海岸线
This is some of the most exposed coastline in the world.
The land boundary line is9080 kilometers, and the coast line is22680 kilometers.
Other attacks were reported in Equador, in the Gulf of Guayaquil and along the Peruvian coast line.
其他的攻击报道发生在厄瓜多尔, 瓜亚基尔湾和沿着秘鲁海岸线。
The Two Oceans Aquarium in the Waterfront offers glimpses of the diverse life found off the South African coast line.